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Guidelines for returning students

I.  Submitting Required Documents
Participants of exchange programs should return to Taiwan within one month upon completing their exchange studies. You have to submit the following documents within ONE month following the final day of an exchange period as specified on your Letter of Acceptance (e.g. 30 July  for an exchange period of 1 February - 30 June)
  1. Reporting Back form 
    Please have our Reporting Back form signed by your Department and the Office of Academic Affairs before submitting it to the OIA.
  2. Evaluation of the Exchange Experience  
    Please hand in an essay of around 1,500 English words where you describe your experiences during the exchange stay (in print and electronic form) and 12 photos (in electronic form) that illustrate your experiences. Use this Template as a guideline for your report which should be informative and cover  on academic experiences as well as  life on and off campus. Please save the documents and photos on an USB stick, and come to the OIA in person to upload them onto a computer at the OIA. Rejected reports shall be re-written and re-submitted. Please note that once your report and photos are accepted by the OIA, Taiwan Tech reserves the right to publish them on any part of its website and utilize them in information sessions on exchange programs and for promotional purposes without having to ak for permission. 
  3. Transcript of courses taken at the host institution 
    Print your transcript from the website of the host institution or ask its administration to send the document to the OIA.
  4. A copy of the entry stamp in your passport 
II. Other Requirements
You are expected to help students who are planning to apply for an exchange stay. The OIA may provide them with your contact information without having to obtain your prior consent. You might also be asked to share your exchange experience at information sessions on exchange programs organized by the OIA, and help our international exchange students at Taiwan Tech to settle in.