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Inbound Exchange Programs

Taiwan Tech's international exchange program is designed for students from our partner universities.
Interested students who have passed the selection process in their home universities should carefully read the following information on application procedures
Semester length
1 semester = 16 consecutive teaching weeks
Fall: mid-September ~ end of December/begining of January
Spring: mid-Feb ~  begining of June
Credit information
1 credit = 18 teaching hours, 1 course = 2 or 3 credits 
Each course lasts a semester (16 weeks )
1 credit is equal to 2 ECTS credits 


Level of Exchange

Language of


Credit requirements 




9 credits. Students can take courses in different departments/on different levels.

*A new English-taught Bachelor's program is offered by the College of Engineering: International Advanced Technology Program


Chinese/ English 1 course. Students can take courses in different departments/ different levels.


Chinese/English 1 course. Students can take courses in different departments/ different levels. 
Important information

The Information Sheet for exchange students coming at Fall 2024 is ready! Please read clearfully and don't hesitate to contact the coordinators if you have any questions. (Updated 13, June, 2024)

**Important Notice for Fall Exchange Program 2024**

**Factsheet 2024-2025**

Course Selection
The latest course catalog is usually available 1 or 2 months prior to the semester start. Specific course selection regulations will be sent out by email in late June/ January.
  • Exchange student Information system (For students who received the acceptance notice & course selection password only (in late June/ January) 
  • Course selection system (Pre-selection & during first two weeks of arrival): Students can add/ drop/ change classes during the first two weeks via the online course selection system.

Students who wish to join our exchange program have to be nominated by their home universities with their names, e-mail, study level, and year of study.

After the nomination is received by our coordinator, nominated students will receive a link for the online application procedure in due time.

Application Deadlines

Application for the spring semester: October 30th

Application for the fall semester: April 30th

Application Results 

Application results will be sent to students and coordinators by email in late December/ late June.

Documents to submit

  • Study Plan
  • Transcripts in English (Minimum GPA requirement: 2.44/4.3)
  • Copy of Passport
  • Photo

A scanned copy of the Letter of Acceptance can be downloaded by applicants and by the coordinators of the home universities in late December / late June.

Note: Acceptance to the NTUST exchange students’ program cannot be guaranteed, as decisions on admission are made by faculty committees. Please do not arrange your flight tickets before you receive an official Letter of Acceptance from NTUST

*We do not offer any scholarships for exchange students. All scholarships are for degree-pursuing students. 


Ms. Joyce KUO, joycekuo@mail.ntust.edu.tw, for cooperation with Germany, Asia, Americas 

Ms. FanJu TSENG, fjtseng@mail.ntust.edu.tw, for cooperation with Europe (excluding Germany)

  • Due to heavy demand, Taiwan Tech is not able to provide dormitory rooms for exchange students. Students have to find housing by themselves on the private market.
  • Recommended areas: Da’an District and Zhongzheng District where Taiwan Tech, National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University are located. Reasonable rates per person per month lie between NT$ 7000 - NT$ 14,000, depending on room types and location. 
  • Recommended websites for house rental
Visa information

Please visit the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for visa application, as soon as you receive your letter of Acceptance from NTUST.

Students are strongly recommended to apply for a visa (for study purposes) before arrival. 

  • Visitor’s Visa: For those who will stay in Taiwan for no more than 6 months.
  • Resident Visa: For those who will study in Taiwan for more than 6 months. (health certificaition required)
  • Alien Resident Certificate (ARC): Students who stay in Taiwan for more than 6 months, have to apply for an ARC within 30 days from the day after arrival, otherwise a fine will be issued by the National Immigration Agency.
    Please visit the National Immigration Agency website for information on the application process.
Health Certification

According to the government’s regulations, all short-term foreign students should submit health certification. The certification should include the examinations below:

  1. A MMR vaccination proof.
  2. A chest X-ray examination for tuberculosis check.

You will be asked to upload the certification on our application webpage after your application were accepted.

Meanwhile, if you are applying for a resident visa (for those who are staying for 2 semesters), please check on BOCA's website to find out the health examination regulations. The representitives will ask about the document when applying for a resident visa.